Eqona Icons - Emelie Arnell

Eqona Icons - Emelie Arnell

Emelie Arnell
  • Age: 22 years
  • Competes for: Henriksdals RF
  • Occupation: Studying to become a nurse
  • Instagram : @eemeliearnell
How did your interest in horses begin?
I have been riding since I was four years old, always loved horses and my mother rode when she was younger and that is where my interest comes from! I've always liked competing and I think it's a lot of fun to ride both older and younger horses!
What is the best thing about having a horse/horses?

The best thing about the horses is seeing their development and being able to work with different personalities in the best way, it's very interesting and fun! Then I love to train and compete! My plan for 2024 is to continue developing with my horses, I have a five-year-old and a six-year-old for my trainer Stephanie Holmén who have both developed nicely, they are two nice and fun horses to have in the stable. Then I have a horse from the owner, it is my best horse which is a 10-year-old mare that I have had for about 8 months, I have ridden her up to 145 with placement and want to continue to develop with and see how far we can get but a goal for 2024 is debut in 150! Then I have two horses of my own, a mare that is nine years old that I trained myself from a green young horse to 140 and I also have a gelding that is 13 this year that I competed in the Junior SM on which has now had an injury but has started competing more again and the plan is to continue developing with these as well.

What is your goal in 5/10 years? So where are you in your career?

My goal in 5/10 years is hard to say, but of course I want to continue to develop and become as good as I can! A dream is to ride a championship!

Last but not least, which Eqona garments do you like best?
My favorite items are eqona's sweaters, which I love to ride in, they are very stylish and comfortable.

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